October 13. 2012 Meeting of the NJ/NY Costumers’ Guild
(aka, the Sick Pups)Hosted by Byron & Tina @ Morristown, NJ
Meeting held at 5:30, following field trip to Stickley Farms Museum, Morris Plains, NJ
Meeting Minutes presented by Tina Connell
Attendees: Byron & Tina, Kathy D., Rich & Stephanie, Susan T.
Official Stuph:
Tina distributed copies of the 8/11 meeting minutes. They were approved. There was no Treasurer’s report, in Marcy’s absence. Byron announced that we have acquired a new Pup, Debi Chowdhry, who is a former colleague of Byron’s. She worked at Chicon on the Masquerade and was hooked. She will be helping Henry at CC 31. She also has con experience from Albacon.
February meeting date change: The date is changed to February 2nd, unless there is an outcry to the contrary.
For those who will be at the Philcon “Meet the Pups”: it isn’t necessary to wear full costume, but we should at least try to wear elements of costume to give a feel for what we are like.
Activities and Con Reports:
Stephanie: NOEL tried to talk Arisia out of shifting the Masquerade to Sunday, but they were unsuccessful. We all agreed that this was shortsighted of the Arisia committee, as not everyone gets the Monday off from work. This could result in lower than usual entries for the masquerade. It also means that people who would not usually stay on Sunday night (such as Byron & Tina) will have to pay for an extra room night.
Upcoming Workshops:
For the December meeting at Diane’s: how to work with and modify a basic commercial pattern, then in February: how to make a sloper.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:53.