Philcon 2015 Masquerade
Crown Plaza Hotel, Cherry Hill, NJ
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Masquerade Director: Elektra Hammond
Entries and Awards
1. Emily Lang, “Chloe Price.” Young Fan Division. Best Recreation in Show (not just Division).
2. Richard Stetts, “Steampunk Twisted Fate.” Novice Division. Most Magical.
3. Rainey Hays, “Eat More Soylent Green.” Novice Division. Most Humorous.
4. Stephanie Burke, Malani Burke, and Renee Bagby, “Oh, No . . . Not You Again.” Master Division. Most Unexpected. Workmanship Award for Best Props: Book, Horns, Helmet, and Staff.
5. “Tifa.” Novice Division.
6. Sage Gregory and Rachel Caton. “Dark Fae.” Journeyman Division. Best in Show. Workmanship Award for Fairy Wing Construction.
7. Vicki Warren, “Hope.” Master Division. Most Dramatic. “Shades of Gray” Workmanship Award.
8. Laura Kovalcin and Abigail Rovner. “Having a Fairy Good Time.” Not in Stage Competition; in Master Division in Workmanship. Best Workmanship in Show to Laura Kovalcin (maker of the costumes).