The Sick Pups
(NJNY Costumers)

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Member since 19__

Elaine Mami

Carl Mami


Byron Connell
(Military costumes, Historical costuming)

Tina Connell

(character specialist)


Suzanne Tees

Departed our world 06/06/07

Raven , BIll Frankenfield

Raven Design Group
(Big Head fur costumes, Special FX Makeup, Props)


Kathryn Draves

Diane Kovalcin
Bead Work, SIG; Star Wars

Carol Salemi


Toni Lei

Sue Toker

Bruce Adams


Lisa Ashton

Perdita Boardman

Janice & Ron Dallas


Anne Davenport

Jan howard finder

Rich & Stephanie Fine

Lois Garrett Jordanna & Ruth Gastrow Denice E. Girardeau
member member

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