Spazy says HI! The New Jersey / New York Costumers' Guild
AKA The Sick Pups

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Shanti's Page

"Labyrinth" My first Masquerade entry. Best in Class, Journeyman, Arisia 1995.
"Amidala" Best in Show, Workmanship (my dress) and Presentation (the group), Lunacon 2003
"Kitsune" My first attempt at wig and tail-making, not entered in competition. Spring 2004

I got my start in the SCA, making medieval gowns, and to this day I love hand-sewing. Most of the time I'm too busy to hand-sew everything, so I make up for it with other types of handwork -- embroidery, beadwork, tatting -- the smaller and fussier the better. In 1995 I entered my first SF Masquerade, and in 2002 I entered my first Anime cosplay. I enjoy recreating both historical and media costumes, and in general I love anything with big, full skirts.

My other interests include anime, Tolkien, Guy Gavriel Kay, mythology (I work for Parabola, a magazine of myth and religion), music (especially classical, ancient, and Celtic), writing, and dance.

Favorite Costuming Websites
Alley Cat Scratch has all sorts of costume information (really useful in my LotR project!) I also like Katie Bair's Art Emporium and Petting Zoo This woman has created a dye for synthetic wigs! She also has info on making and modifying wigs, and lots of wig maintenance supplies for sale in addition to the dyes (there's a chart that shows what each dye shade looks like on different colors of wig).

Email Shanti

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